Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Last Few Days in Wales

My last few days in Wales (from Dec. 16 to 20) were spent relaxing at "home" and a little bit more travelling. On Friday, Dec. 18, we all hopped on the train and went to Cardiff for the day. It is the biggest city (and the Capital) in Wales. It is a lovely city that has achieved a nice balance between the old and the more modern. It was a beautiful sunny (and extremely cold and windy) day. Rowan lost a glove on the train (which, incredibly, someone found on the train back to Carmarthen and asked Rowan if it belonged to her). Elsa lost one of Kevin's gloves while walking, and Freja didn't have gloves on because she refuses to wear them. So I was the only one with warm hands. Needless to say, a trip to the "glove store" was at the top of the agenda.

We had a really good lunch at an indian buffet restaurant and then shopped and strolled around the city...c c c c c c c cold...we also went to a mall so we could take Elsa to the Disney store. It was like walking into a bottle of Pepto Bismol and I had to run out of there after about 5 minutes. I went next door to the "store for gifts for men", where I bought a tea towel holder in the shape of a cat's rear end, for Kevin and Rowan for Christmas.

Here are a few photos of some of the buildings in Cardiff:

We ended the day at the Cardiff Winter Wonderland, where I went on the merry-go-round by myself because Elsa changed her mind at the last minute. I tried to convice Kevin to go on some of the more "daring" rides with me (like the ferris wheel you see in the background of the picture above), but no luck.

On the way back, we stopped for food at the train station before boarding the train, as the kids (and Kevin) were hungry. Here is an adorable photo of Freja enjoying her food.

The next day was my birthday and I was awoken by Elsa who whispered in my ear "Happy birfday Aunty Taffy!". What an amazing way to start the day. Incidentally, the next morning I was again awoken by Elsa who exclaimned "Aunty Taffy! I did an enormous poo!!". Out of the mouths of babes...My birthday was wonderful. I lounged in my jammies most of the day, listened to Christmas music and then we had Chinese take out for dinner. Rowan's dad and step-mom dropped by with a card and gift for me, which I found very sweet and thoughtful.

The next day, my last day in the UK, was spent at Rowan's mom's. She was throwing her annual Winter Solstice party. I met some great people, ate some delicious food and enjoyed my last few hours with loved ones. Sadly the time to leave for the train station came way too soon and I had to say good-bye. My nine and a half week trip to Africa and Europe was over...hard to went by too fast and at the same time it felt like I had been gone for an eternity. Now, back to Montreal for the holidays and beyond...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful people! Got good photos in here. That place is nice for sure! Planning for my wales holidays. I'm so excited...
